My aunt send us this brilliant device that enables you to communicate with people over the world and not only you can talk to your friends or relatives but you can also see whatever they do. It was called the "ACN iris 3000 videophone". It's a telephone with a video screen and it will blow your mind out the hell of your head. You can see your buddy if and only if he or she has also owns this mechanical equipment.
Back when I was six years old, I saw this commercial of PLDT showcasing some phones and their future projects and my eyes caught this phone which is exactly like the ACN videophone. I think it was just for show and I didn't heard anything about it up until now. Maybe it was only released for those rich businessmen who swam in their vaults of money. I asked my mom to buy that kind of phone way back and she said "That may be too expensive and who knows if that is true". So from that, I realized it was all fake and maybe technology won't grasp that kind of invention. Today, that device which I think is fake is now in my hands for me to use until my voice goes zero and my eyes go numb. When the webcam was released, my dad told me they never realized that it will happen because in their time of being a teenager, they taught it was impossible like just put your mind in a normal teen of the 1980's and imagine that kind of device. You'll consider yourself crazy. Technology develops faster than what we realize now. Maybe in the near future, they will develop teleportation like if you are in Manila and you just step on this circular platform and boom! You are in Hong Kong. How about hologram? or Space travel? or maybe flying cars? Is it impossible? Well, who knows? Technology bites when you least expect it.
We just had a good conversation with my aunt and it really feels like she is hear hanging out with us and thanks to the improved technology. I got this image while my grandma is having fun telling stories to my aunt.
I just can't wait what's in store for us after 10 years. I can see video games played by motion detecting sensors not using a Wii Controller but our bodies. Hopefully, this devices won't be a pain in our asses.
Posted by
Kevin V. Oliveros
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